Thursday, October 13, 2011

Letter Trays- Ss

Here is an overview of the Letter Ss tray.

For the beginning sounds for Ss we have: sunglasses, seal, soccer ball, seeds, sun, seahorse, sailboat.  I try to stay away from blends and digraphs (sl, sn, sk, sh, st).  I found the objects at Michael's or A. C. Moore.

I got this on Zulily awhile ago.

I got this file from Montessori Print Shop but I had to change some of the pictures because they were blends.

The pictures come for a Scholastic eBook I got for $1.

Monday, October 10, 2011

More what is on the shelf for October

 I found a Halloween Preschool pack that you can download and print.  So, I printed out the pack and laminated it.  Here is the link to the Halloween Preschool Pack.







Saturday, October 8, 2011

What's on the shelves this Month

This month I did a Halloween theme Practical Life work.  Here is what is currently on our shelves. 

Finger grasping.  I got the orange containers and skulls from Michaels.

Finger grasping and sorting.  I got the pumpkins and pumpkin bowl from Michaels.

Spooning.  Bowls and skulls from Michaels.

Spooning.  Bowls and ghost/ bats I got from Michaels.

Pincher grasp.  Again Michaels.

Tonging.  Again, Michaels.

Hanging Halloween ornaments.  The pumpkin tree from Target.  The bowl and ornaments from Michaels.

Making Jack-o-lanterns.  I made them out of felt.

October Sensory Tub

Yes, I realized that I did not post what was on our shelves for September or the Sensory Tub for September too.  Sorry!  Here is our Sensory Tub for October.

What is inside:
Black Beans
Black Cauldrons (from Target last year)
Skeleton Heads (from Michaels)
Colorful Insects (from Dollar Tree)
Eyeballs (from Michaels)
Skeleton Hand (from Michaels)
Pumpkin (from Michaels)
Shovel Spoon (from Montessori Services)
Plastic tub (from Walmart its Tupperware)

Little Man (18 months) loved the Sensory Tub.  He was trying very hard to scoop up the black beans and put them in the cauldrons.  I would not leave him alone with this work but Sugar Bear does great without me sitting right next to her.

It was so much easier for him to use his hands to scoop up the black beans.

I encouraged him to try the shovel spoon again.  Side note, he held onto the eyeball for a long time.